Perm Jain Memorial Trust invites you to be a part of a green day challenge. The objective is to encourage people for taking initiatives to promote a lifestyle that leads to conservation of energy and resources without compromising the work efficiency and comfort. Also it helps to understand the importance of Panch Bhoota’s and have a sustainable lifestyle.
One needs to take some initiatives in their daily lives in order to achieve the goals, such as:
- Water Management
- Waste Management
- Energy conservation and its efficient utilization
- Reduction of Land Contamination
And document it in form a daily journal for 10 days. This will include your initiatives, their implementation and how on the regular basis these ideas bring change in a better way.
Top 3 Winners:
INR 3000 for 1st Prize
INR 1500 for 2nd Prize
INR 1000 for 3rd Prize
The top 3 entries will be certified and recognized by the PJMT.
- The journal will be in form of a PDF file for which we will be providing you with the format.
- The activity will be individual and only one entry per person will be allowed.
- The submission should be only in a PDF document.
- The submission should be made with file name as ‘ yourname_greendayjournal.pdf
- Send us your submission in thru mail by 18th January’23 by emailing us on frontoffice@premjainmemorialtrust.com with your name, institution, social media handle
- After submitting your entry, add the story of your entry on Instagram and Facebook by tagging @premjainmemorialtrust and use #PJMT #HPBM23 #HOLISTICGREENLIVING
- Make sure your profile is public for the entry to be counted
- Entries will be judged by PJMT team and Board Members
Winners will be announced during Prem Jain Memorial Address on 25th January 2023 at 2 pm at India International Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi and acknowledged on https://premjainmemorialtrust.com/
Remember to tag @premjainmemorialtrust and use Hashtags #PJMT #HPBM23 #HOLISTICGREENLIVING
Join us to celebrate #HPBM23 India’s largest virtual green event.